Berkeley Heights Huaxia Chinese School (BHHXCS) is located in Berkeley Heights, NJ (ranked #6 by CNN/Money in the “Best Places to Live-America’s Top 50 Small Towns”). Many Chinese families are attracted to this town for the friendly neighborhoods, easy commute to New York City and excellent public school system. BHHXCS is a community oriented, non-religious, non-political cultural educational institute. BHHXCS is a totally independent organization and isn’t affiliated to any other institution. BHHXCS offers weekend Chinese Language Curriculum Class and Chinese Language as a Second Language (CSL) Class. BHHXCS provides classroom instruction on Chinese language and culture, and also provides a common space for interactions within the Chinese community. BHHXCS strives to succeed in teaching Chinese and promoting Chinese culture by engaging every student’s curiosity with its unique educational style.
伯克利华夏中文学校位于美国新泽西州中部伯克利高地小镇。该镇在2013年CNN评选的全美最适于居住的50名小镇中位列第六。小镇风景秀丽,交通便利,学区良好,近年来吸引了许多华人来此定居。伯克利华夏中文学校是一个以服务社区为中心、无宗教色彩、政治中立的文化教育组织和一个经济,教学,管理上都完全独立的法律实体。本校不附属于任何其它中文学校。学校开设周末普通中文班和CSL(中文第二外语班),教授中国语言与文化;同时还提供丰富的文化、艺术、体育课程来满足学生和家长的不同需求。学校以传承和传播中国文化为己任,致力于为社区的文化多元化做贡献。 在教学理念上,学校以激发学生学习热情为切入点,以学以致用为目标;重点培养学生学习中文的兴趣;努力发展学生应用中文的能力; 学校将在课程安排和教学方法上充分体现这一理念。